Full Speed

[ October 30, 2003 ]

Lindows to Develop Web Editor

Simon Willison drew my attention to Nvu today. It seems that Lindows is taking the Mozilla Composer and adding new features with a focus on ease of use.

[ October 28, 2003 ]

TiVo DVD Recorders

PVRblog noted a couple of new Pioneer DVD Recorders that have TiVo functionality built in. The pricing needs work, but they’ll come down eventually. Check them out at Pioneer’s site.

[ October 15, 2003 ]

New Mozilla

The new Mozilla wares are out today: Mozilla, Firebird, and Thunderbird. And to go along with this release, Dave Shea put out a beautiful redesign of mozilla.org.

[ October 12, 2003 ]

Directors Label

Matt Haughey says he’s buying all three of these DVDs the day they come out. After seeing the trailer for each video, I’ll probably do the same. Preorder them today. If you don’t want them for yourself, you could always just buy them for me.

[ October 10, 2003 ]

PageRank vs. Spammers

Jeremy put it best when he said:

“Low Price, Fast Delivery, PRIVACY! FDA Approved Medications online. SOMA, ADIPEX, Viagra, and MUCH MORE. Go Online. Fill out your Prescription Request. Your request will be reviewed by a Licensed US Physician. If Approved, your medication will be dispensed by a Licensed US Pharmacy. Requests received by 2:00 PM EST will arrive the very next business day.”

Well, anyway, this entry is part of “PageRank Abuse Day”.
“Attend a Free Online Product Sales and Acquisition Conference. To make money on eBay and the Internet you need to get the source product at deep discounts. In this free online conference you will learn how to acquire thousands of products directly from the manufacturers – (cut the middlemen and buying clubs) at wholesale or less - including overstocks and discontinued items for pennies on the dollar.”

[ October 9, 2003 ]

Ultimate Video Machine

PVRblog mentioned a sweet new piece of hardware today, the KiSS DivX Player. Not only will this play everything under the sun on your CDs or DVDs (“Full DVD/MPEG-4/DivX®/XviD/CD/MP3/Ogg Vorbis/CD-RW/DVD+-RW compatibility”), but it’s got an ethernet port for streaming all that content in from your PC as well. And as if that weren’t enough, it’s got an 80GB hard drive for recording TV shows, too. This will make a very nice addition to my home.

[ October 8, 2003 ]

New York Changing

New York Changing is a nice collection of rephotographs showing the evolution of New York City over 65 years..


I finally got around to installing some stats analysis software on this site yesterday, and the results have been interesting. What has intrigued me the most, however, is Localfeeds. I was pleasantly surprised to find, via my web server’s logfiles, that my entries from this site are featured on the Localfeeds front page for my area. Much like GeoURL, they geographically group websites. But unlike GeoURL, they also will give you an RSS feed of these groups. I’m adding my area to my newsreader right now.

TypePad Launches

It’s Official! Six Apart launched TypePad yesterday. Be sure to check out Ben and Mena’s Headline News appearance.

[ October 6, 2003 ]

Cocoa Tech Open Source

Brent Simmons recently posted a link to a CocoaTech open source release. Included in the release are the frameworks used to develop CocoaTech’s award-winning Path Finder, source for several Path Finder plugins, and a bit of code which will allow you to insert a working terminal into a plain NSView in 5 minutes. CocoaTech is leading the way with great products and now this excellent contribution to the Cocoa development community.

Better Date Entry

Simon Willison is amazing the world with his skills once again. This time, he presents a better way of entering dates in HTML forms. This JavaScript solution is elegant and user friendly. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of this.

[ October 1, 2003 ]

Wireless VPN Appliance from Linksys

Linksys has shipped a wireless router that has VPN functionality built in. Only L2TP over IPSec is supported, but this looks like a sweet deal for anyone needing a semi-permanent VPN connection from the home to the office.

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