Why is it that when you search Google for “http”, Microsoft is the first result? I first stumbled upon this when clicking on a malformed URL in Firefox. Try it for yourself. Since Firefox fires off a Google search on URLs it doesn’t understand, every HTTP URL that doubles up on the “http://” part is sent to Microsoft by Firefox. This just seems wrong on some level.
Sirius just announced a free 3-day trial of their online streaming service. “Completely free. No strings attached.”
The word on the street is that this could be a TiVo/Comcast announcement, and anybody who has been following TiVo lately knows that a new Series 3 HD TiVo is on the horizon. Either would be welcome in my house where the Comcast standard issue Motorola HD DVR is the worst DVR I have ever used—even making my old DISH SD DVR look like a work of technological genius. More tomorrow.
[ Update: False Alarm. ]