A few links discovered during a 2-day-long website migration and troubleshooting session:
(tags: design video Mike_FTW)
(tags: photography blog animatedgifs)
"Many websites, such as news sites and blogs, partner with us to show ads to their visitors. To see ads that are more related to you and your interests, edit the categories below, which are based on sites you have recently visited."
(tags: AdChoices google advertising privacy settings AdWords)
(tags: webdev javascript tools libraries frameworks)
(tags: kindle screensaver wallpaper jailbreak)
"Home of Kindle Screensavers!"
(tags: kindle wallpaper screensaver)
"A collection of custom screensavers for the Amazon Kindle."
(tags: kindle wallpaper screensaver)
"created to allow you to test your web applications to test availability concerns from HTTP GET and HTTP POST denial of service attacks"
(tags: owasp DDoS http POST webappsec)
"Flixel is an open source game-making library that is completely free for personal or commercial use. Written entirely in Actionscript 3, and designed to be used with free development tools, Flixel is easy to learn, extend and customize."
(tags: game development tools opensource)
"ProtoRPC is a simple way to send and receive HTTP-based remote procedure call (RPC) services."
(tags: google appengine python rpc gae)
"The OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is an easy to use integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications."
(tags: security owasp proxy pentest)
(tags: javascript cdn webdev)
"Core Animation based UI framework for Mac"
(tags: programming mac osx opensource)
"Portable Firefox With Web Hacking Addons Bundled. It is useful for instant web app security assessment. It includes Firebug, HackBar, JSDebugger, NF-Tools, LiveHttpHeaders, Selenuim IDE, FireEncrypter, TamperData, WebDeveloper, etc."
(tags: firefox portable security)
(tags: security software tools)
"This tool helps you encoding arbitrary texts to and from 65 kinds of charsets. Also some encoding/encryption/hashing functions featured by JavaScript/PHP are provided."
(tags: security encoding php javascript)
(tags: linux security CentOS)
"a PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information"
(tags: tools png compression)
(tags: webdev css gradients)
"a collection of sites using media queries"
(tags: web css design gallery)
"an open source bookmarklet that makes CSS selector generation and discovery on complicated sites a breeze"
(tags: webdev javascript css selectors)
"a zero-configuration Rack server for Mac OS X"
(tags: webdev server osx)
"a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort"
(tags: webdev programming)
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